When My Ancestors Are Proud...


Every once in a while, I feel myself shedding my old beliefs and feeling lighter.

And I imagine the generations of women who came before me, who suffered so greatly and never got to taste the freedom of who they were without all those restrictions their circumstances placed upon them.

After my mother passed, I heard her voice so clearly, so urgently wanting me to understand all the things she was mistaken about so that I could make sure not to repeat any of them.

And the dialogues we had opened my mind to the possibility that life really is about shedding all that doesn’t serve our ultimate purpose--to expand and to understand and to contribute the best versions of who we are.

And that if we can't quite complete this mission here on Earth, there is still a window of opportunity after we shed the weight of our bodies to see clearly and to share our clarity through connecting with our loved ones, if they're in a position to hear.


Jessica Kane