Strange symptoms...


Sending a prayer for total health and relief to everyone who isn’t feeling well…

If you have strange symptoms that come and go randomly, it can be a real let down. You might be tempted to get mad at yourself: “What stupid thing did I do that this happened again?!” Or, you might get mad at your environment: “Is something in my living space making me sick again?” Or you might get mad at the people in your life: “Why must they always stress me out?!” It’s easy to get preoccupied with the why. So much so, that it could be making you feel even more sick.

So, whatever it is, in my opinion, the best medicine to take first, before even beginning to solve the problem of how to feel better, is love.

Give yourself love. And receive it. Offer your environment love. And watch your environment receive it. Be available to notice where love is trickling in from all directions and be present to receive it.

With love, there is openness and warmth. And with love, you may find yourself feeling a lot less stressed out, which may help you relax and feel a little better. And tomorrow, you can check in with yourself with love, see how you feel, and reach out for some extra support so that you can continue healing even more.


Jessica Kane