For some people, this world can be especially brutal.
They have to constantly pretend they aren’t being bombarded by all the circumstances of life.
They have to paint smiles on their faces and push through the day even when every drop of harshness hurts.
They’re raw. They feel the elements from the environment around them penetrating to their very core. Including the immense beauty that others tend to miss.
Some people can armor up. They can protect themselves from the elements of life. Maybe they turn harsh to keep all those drops of pain away from their hearts. Maybe they bury their hearts in the process, but a buried heart feels better than a hurt heart.
But some people aren’t equipped with armor, and their efforts to create it are useless bc these raw people need to feel the stuff that’s alive.
They say, “Wow, look at this! My god, I have to get closer! It’s wild, it’s alive!” And they go over there to the aliveness and then boom. Something harsh lashes out unexpectedly, and they get hurt. Seriously hurt. But yet they don’t say anything bc they already know what all the well-armored people will say: ”Stop being so sensitive, so weak.”
Or, “Ha. You think you’re hurting? You don’t know what I’ve been through, and I’m fine, so you should be fine. You just have to toughen up.”
Or worse, “You know what, I’m tired of your constant pain. It’s actually painful for me now. The world doesn’t revolve around you, you know.”
So the unarmored hurt people pretend not to be hurt.
And for some, the private pain can be too much. And maybe they decide the armored people were right—the world doesn’t revolve around them. They’re just broken. Too broken. So they give their last smiles to their loved ones and that’s it. They finally extinguish their pain the only way they know how.
And it’s fucking awful.
Unarmored people do not need shame. They need resources—not to learn how to be armored, but how to be boundaried…
How to feel without letting their feelings drown them, so that they’re forced to numb out through substances. Or through hurting themselves so at least it’s a pain they can allow themselves to feel on their own terms.
Taking the time to learn how to craft boundaries for ourselves so that the aliveness gets in but the toxicity stays out.
Taking inventory of which feelings belong to us and which belong to others, so we can stop storing other people’s stuff inside our bodies.
Finding safe outlets to share our pain. Not with an armored person. Just as I wouldn’t get my groceries at the post office, I would never go to an armored person with my raw feelings. How in the would could I expect them to feel my feelings when they can’t even feel their own?!
Find a safe person who knows how to reflect your pain. In this society you will probably have to pay for this service. But you know what? It’s better that way sometimes, bc at least you’re clear about what you owe. You owe however much money it costs for your session, not your loyalties or first born child or your unconditional love.
Find an outlet for transforming your pain into art: anything that takes your hurt out of your body and into a medium like painting, writing, whatever, so you can see it from your perspective and realize it’s fucking beautiful, bc it’s an extension of you understanding yourself.
Vitamins. This may sound ridiculous, but without nutrients, my mind is a mess. I so often neglect my body, imagining that it will run solely on will power, thoughts and feelings. It’s as though I completely forget that I’m a living being who requires nutrients from the world, just like the rest of the living beings here. So one way of being boundaried for me is by taking my vitamins.
And for those who are reading this and you’re secretly planning your way out—please wait. Please be willing to try creating some boundaries to protect yourself. It may sound trite, but I know without a doubt that it’s true: you have gifts to share that the world needs. You are irreplaceable.
For anyone in pain, feel free to reach out. I’d be glad to lend a listening ear.